Gender Row: Is Women's Minister right for the job? Feat. Katy Jon Went | Storm Huntley

Описание к видео Gender Row: Is Women's Minister right for the job? Feat. Katy Jon Went | Storm Huntley

Is Starmer's new minister for Women and Equalities right for the job?

He's appointed Annaliese Dodds, who's previously become tied up in knots over the legal definition of a woman.

She's essentially said: there are different definitions - when it comes to the law - around what a woman actually is.

Well, author JK Rowling - a fierce advocate of the rights of biological women - doesn't appear to be thrilled about the appointment.

She took to twitter to say 'Naively, I thought it was our lawmakers' job to resolve complexities, not add to the confusion.'

And Susan Hall, the former Tory London mayoral candidate, said:

“Women need someone to defend their spaces, not someone who cannot even properly define them.”

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