Video Presentation of Bobov Rebbe Zt"l for 20th Yahrzeit

Описание к видео Video Presentation of Bobov Rebbe Zt"l for 20th Yahrzeit

Video Presentation about the life of Bobover Rebbe Zt"l, Grand Rabbi Shlomo Halberstam upon his 20th Yahrzeit, he passed away on Rosh Chodesh Av, Year 2000 at age 92.

This Presentation is a glimpse of Rabbi Halberstam's rebuilding the Bobov Empire, that his father the second Bobover Rebbe, Bal Kedishas Zion Hy"d built in southeastern Poland, where he established 49 yeshivas all over Poland, all the students and Bobover Chasidim were nearly exterminated by the Nazis during World War II.

Under about 50 years of his consistently conciliatory leadership, the Bobovers became the leading Hasidic group in Borough Park, which is the most Hasidic section of Brooklyn. It is a neighborhood, city planners say, where the fertility rate is double that of New York as a whole, where families with eight children are not unusual and where Rabbi Halberstam convinced ultra-Orthodox Jews that they could thrive without compromising their way of life.

Historians say that Rabbi Halberstam enjoyed extraordinary success in recruiting Jews in America to the Bobov sect because of his devotion and love to every Jew, how he was them mekariv, and brought them back to Yiddishkeit, after the ashes of the Holocaust.


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