地产学校(2023)第三十一集《从零开始》加州地产执照考试準备视频 -关于代理权。您想成为加州地产经纪人吗?(不用课本)英文不好如何通过地产考试?建友地产贷款培训二零二三。

Описание к видео 地产学校(2023)第三十一集《从零开始》加州地产执照考试準备视频 -关于代理权。您想成为加州地产经纪人吗?(不用课本)英文不好如何通过地产考试?建友地产贷款培训二零二三。


地产学校(2023)第三十一集《从零开始》加州地产执照考试準备视频 -关于代理权。您想成为加州地产经纪人吗?(不用课本)英文不好如何通过地产考试?



第三十一集的《从零开始》加州地产执照考试準备视频内容是关于地产合约规范。这一集我们开始讲讲第九篇章,关于代理权,包括 creation and termination of agency, liabilities toward principal, liabilities toward third parties, and agent's right against principal.
Real Estate Principles by Thomas Felde, Chapter 9, page 99-101.

0:00:00 - 介紹
0:00:15 - Agency, an agent is a party who is authorized to represent a principal in business dealing with third person
0:00:51 - Creation, agreement, estoppel, ratification, duties toward principal
0:01:27 - Estoppel,
0:02:35 - Ratification,
0:03:56 - Duties toward principal, cannot use confidential relationship to his own benefit, no secret profit, must disclose all material facts to principal, must use reasonable care and skill, must obey directions of the principal, must render an account on demand, must get consent of both principal,
0:07:39 - Liabilities of agent toward third parties, injury to victim's property or person, negligent and fraudulent misrepresentations
0:09:24 - Rights of agent against principal, ready willing and able buyer,
0:11:03 - Termination of agency, mutual agreement, renouncement by agent, revocation by the principal, expiration of agency, extinction of subject, death or incapacity of either principal or agent

Keywords: agency, agreement, estoppel, ratification, duties toward principal, can not use confidential relationship to his own benefit, must disclose all material facts to principal, must use reasonable care and skill, must obey directions of the principal, must render an account on demand, must get consent of both principal, liabilities of agent toward third parties, injury to victim's property or person, negligent and fraudulent misrepresentations, rights of agent against principal, termination of agency, mutual agreement, renouncement by agent, revocation by the principal, expiration of agency, extinction of subject, death or incapacity of either principal or agent


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