RUSSIAN SHORT STORIES: Всё к лучшему - It's All for the Best

Описание к видео RUSSIAN SHORT STORIES: Всё к лучшему - It's All for the Best

Captivating short stories for beginners to learn Russian and grow your vocabulary the fun way (А1-B2).

Based on the book: Russian Short Stories For Beginners:

Краткое содержание истории
Сергея пригласили в Москву на собеседование. Он всегда мечтал о такой работе. Он заказал электронный билет на самолёт. Сергей проспал, но ему удалось попасть в аэропорт вовремя. Но оказалось, что он заказал билет на другой день. Он очень расстроился. Сергей поехал в бар. В новостях он услышал, что самолёт, на который он опоздал, разбился вскоре после взлёта. Сергаы понял, что его ошибка спасла ему жизнь.

Summary of the story
Sergei was invited to Moscow for an interview. He always dreamed of such a job. He ordered an electronic plane ticket. Sergei overslept but managed to get to the airport on time. But it turned out that he had booked a ticket for another day. He was very upset. Sergei went to the bar. He heard on the news that the plane he missed had crashed shortly after takeoff. Sergei realized that his mistake saved his life.

The suggested steps for working with the video:
1. First, just watch the video.
2. Then watch it again, paying attention to the vocabulary.
3. Now that you think you understand the major plot of the story, check yourself by referring to the summary below.
4. Listen to this story in a podcast on Spotify:

What if I don't understand everything?
Remember - understanding every word is not your goal. Your goal is to grasp the essence of the story and enrich your vocabulary.

✨ For more stories like this, visit my podcast:

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