The Dark Web Takedown: AlphaBay and Hansa Explained

Описание к видео The Dark Web Takedown: AlphaBay and Hansa Explained

Unveil the enigmatic story behind Alpha02, the mastermind of AlphaBay, and his true identity as Alexandre Cazes. Discover Cazes's motivations fueled by his exceptional programming skills and a thirst for wealth and freedom outside the law. Witness the rise and eventual downfall of AlphaBay, a dark web marketplace that facilitated the trade of illegal goods and cybercrime at an unprecedented scale. Explore the relentless efforts of international law enforcement agencies, cybercrime investigators, and their pursuit of justice. Learn how Cazes's extravagant lifestyle and arrogance led to his demise, ultimately resulting in the dramatic shutdown of AlphaBay and a significant blow to global cybercrime.

#AlphaBay #DarkWeb #Cybercrime #AlexandreCazes #LawEnforcement #DarkNet #Hacker #CyberSecurity #CrimeStory

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00:00:00 The Rise of the Digital Kingpin
00:03:30 A Marketplace of Shadows
00:07:07 The Global Manhunt
00:10:34 The Shadow Market's Demise


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