Let Us Create Man In Our Image - What Did God Mean When He Said "let Us Make Man In Our Image"?

Описание к видео Let Us Create Man In Our Image - What Did God Mean When He Said "let Us Make Man In Our Image"?

Let Us Create Man In Our Image - What Did God Mean When He Said "let Us Make Man In Our Image"?

Let's take a closer look at the phrase "Let us make man in our image" from the book of Genesis to fully understand its meaning. Why did God use the word "us" instead of "me" when speaking about creating humans? In this video, we’ll carefully go through the context in the Bible to understand why the phrase "Let us make man" is so important. We’ll see how these words help explain what it means for people to be made in God’s image. We’ll also examine key interpretations from the King James Version (KJV) of the Bible to gain a deeper understanding of what "creating man in our image" truly means.


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