Top 5 Arbalesters | Age of Empire 2

Описание к видео Top 5 Arbalesters | Age of Empire 2

The arbalester is one of the most common unit in PvP games, either as a standard archer in feudal age or a fully upgraded arbalester in imperial age. The later is the one we are going to test today. let's find out which civ has the best arbalesters. First we must find the civs that have bonuses that affect them. The civs are the Britons, the Ethiopians, the Italians, the Koreans, the Mayans, the Vietnamese and the Vikings.
Some bonuses before we jump into the video:
Aztecs: Arbalesters are created 11% faster.
Britons: Arbalesters have +1/2 range in Castle/Imperial Age.
Ethiopians: Arbalesters fire 18% faster.
Koreans: Infantry, Archers and Cavalry Archers cost -50% wood; Warships cost -20% wood.
Koreans: Blacksmith armor upgrades are free.
Mayans: Arbalesters cost -10/20/30% in Feudal/Castle/Imperial Age.
Portuguese: Arbalesters cost 20% less gold.
Sicilians: Arbalesters receive 33% less bonus damage.
Vietnamese: Arbalesters have +20% hit points.

What are you thoughts?


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