Christa Smith: "Wild Ones" Carrying the Spirit of Elijah (Matthew

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Christa Smith: "Wild Ones" Carrying the Spirit of Elijah (Matthew 17:11)
Christa speaks at King of Kings Worship Center in Basking Ridge, NJ on 10/14/2023.
Quotes: The Lord is raising up a company of people that He is calling "The Wild Ones." They're the ones that have been marked with the spirit of Elijah and cry out like John the Baptist. Man-pleasing isn't a part of their mindset. They're not swayed by social protocols. They refuse to be seduced
by modern day rhetoric that dulls one's conscience and convictions. They will walk in a radical faith, confronting a religious spirit wherever they go."

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I feel like the Lord to release a word here
that I have released before, As I
release it in different regions,
it awakens regions to
"the now" what God is doing.
So I want to prophesy
over you this morning
with what I believe God is
saying over you, over me,
and really over the church at this time.
The Lord is raising up a company of people
that He is calling the wild ones.
They're the ones that have been marked
with the spirit of Elijah
and cry out like John the Baptist.
Man-pleasing isn't a
part of their mindset.
They're not swayed by social protocols.
They refuse to be seduced
by modern day rhetoric
that dulls one's
conscience and convictions.
They will walk in a radical faith,
confronting a religious
spirit wherever they go.
They will step over fear,
refusing to bow.
They walk in a full dependency in Christ,
for their cry is,
"Without Him,
I am nothing."
They've consecrated their eyes,
so their gaze is only looking to Jesus.
They have a holy revolt in them
towards anything that
opposes Jesus and His truth.
They do not care about
their name being known.
They are not oppressed by titles
or worldly accomplishments.
They are enamored only by Jesus,
singular in their gaze.
Humble, repentant, fully surrendered,
filled with an unwavering joy
and an all-consuming peace.
His mercy is marked them.
His love has overtaken them.
The world cannot break them
and the church desperately needs them.
These are the wild ones.
Are you a wild one in
the house of God today?
Are you a wild one in
this hour for the Lord?
I believe God is releasing the wild ones.
And it's not a fleshly wildness.
It's getting undomesticated
where we become domesticated
in our walk with Jesus,
where we become professional
in our worship and our adoration.
God is wanting to break
off the professionalism,
and He is wanting us
to get undomesticated.
He's wanting us to wanting
a rattle and a rumble
to come from the church right now.
I believe it's not about volume.
It's about a radical pursuit
that, God, I must have
an encounter with You.
There must be a move of God.
I cannot be satisfied
with just a good service.
I must have an outpouring of
Your spirit and Your presence.
I cannot go about my day
without having the fresh
manna for this hour.
Lord, I don't want to be
satisfied with the goodness
and goodness of yesterday,
but I have to have a
fresh outpouring of today.
I believe God is saying the
wild ones will lead the charge
for an insatiable appetite
for the things of God.
I believe this group is
a group of wild ones.
I believe this ministry has
a calling for the wild ones.
It's why He's shifting your location.
It's even why He's
shifting the reach is maybe
the best way to say it
because he's going to gather
a company of the wild ones.
If you have your Bibles,
I want you to turn to Malachi 4:5-6
and it says:
Look, I'm sending you the prophet Elijah
before the great and dreadful
day of the Lord arrives.
His preaching will turn
hearts of the father
to their children
and the hearts of the
children to their fathers.
And otherwise I will come
and I'll strike the land with a curse.
The wild ones in really
simple terms are the ones
that will carry the spirit of Elijah.
I'm here today to talk to you
about what you are called to carry
and what a spirit of Elijah
will look like in your life
because I believe as a wild one,
we're going to operate
in the spirit of Elijah.
We have to understand
that the spirit of Elijah is
a spiritual system
that foreruns the moves of God.
Before God shows up in a territory,
the spirit of Elijah always precedes God.
First assignment is one that
prophesies what God is doing
and what God is saying.
The spirit of Elijah means
you are called to shift and establish.
Every time there is rebellion in the land,
come on, America;
come on, nations of the world,
the spirit of Elijah will rise up
and usher in a move of genuine
repentance and consecration.
The spirit of Elijah calls forth consecration
and it calls forth a
genuine move of repentance.


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