Sentinels of the MultiVerse Heroes Guide

Описание к видео Sentinels of the MultiVerse Heroes Guide

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00:00:00 Introduction
00:01:04 Absolute Zero
00:07:52 Akash-Thriya
00:11:54 Argent Adept
00:14:14 Benchmark
00:17:40 Bunker
00:19:51 Captain Cosmic
00:23:01 Chrono-Ranger
00:25:58 La Comodora
00:28:56 ExPatriette
00:30:36 Fanatic
00:35:10 Guise
00:37:43 Haka
00:40:06 Harpy
00:42:21 KNYFE
00:44:10 Legacy
00:47:10 Lifeline
00:49:16 Luminary
00:51:46 Mr Fixer
00:53:20 The Naturalist
00:55:23 Nightmist
00:58:39 Omnitron-X
01:00:41 Parse
01:02:37 Ra
01:04:25 The Scholar
01:08:32 The Sentinels
01:15:09 Setback
01:17:48 Sky-Scraper
01:20:24 Stuntman
01:22:28 Tachyon
01:23:53 Tempest
01:25:23 Unity
01:28:15 The Visionary
01:31:55 Doctor Medico
01:32:35 The Idealist
01:35:03 Mainstay
01:36:49 Writhe
01:39:10 Wraith


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