King's Valley Labyrinth

Описание к видео King's Valley Labyrinth

Labyrinthは5x5マスのKing's Valleyを7x74マスに拡張したゲームです。ボードの4か所にピラーストーン(柱)があります。王様駒を中央のマスに移動できたら勝ちです。どの駒も前後左右斜めに動けますが、ボードの端や他の駒に当たるまで止まることができません。

King's Valley Labyrinth is expanded game of basic 5x5 King's Valley. Game purpose is to move own King onto central space. All pieces moves same. they can move horizontally, vertically and diagonally. But they can stop their moves until they must go to the edge of board or other pieces and pillar stone.

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