I Spent Over $5000 In KNIVES At Blade Show..AGAIN!

Описание к видео I Spent Over $5000 In KNIVES At Blade Show..AGAIN!

In this video I go over my experience at Blade Show ATL 2024 and how I ended up with over $5000 in knives...again.
Note: some of these were given to me for review and were not purchased by me.
Social Links for more EDC content:
   / @screaminpirateedc  
  / screaminpirate.edc  
  / screaminpirate.edc  
Affiliate Links to products in video (that I can find):

Protech Oligarch: https://shrsl.com/4ks2t
Civivi ExOne: https://shrsl.com/4ks2q
Begg Kwaiken: https://shrsl.com/4ks2u
Kansept Turaco: https://shrsl.com/4ks2w
Kansept AGI: https://shrsl.com/4ks2x

Affiliate Links (This helps keep the channel going):

Rivers Edge Cutlery New Arrivals: https://riversedgecutlery.com/new-arr...
GP Knives New Arrivals: https://shrsl.com/4b7lp
BladeHQ New Arrivals: https://shrsl.com/4b7lz
BladeOps New Arrivals: https://bladeops.com/new-arrivals/?af...
White Mountain Knives: (Code "PIRATE10" for 10% off) https://whitemountainknives.com/
Urban EDC Supply New Arrivals: https://bit.ly/46jrPbN
Knife Pivot Lube: (Code "Pirate10" for 10% off) https://knifepivotlube.com/?ref=6ev1fjxf
Flytanium: https://tinyurl.com/Flytanium
Leather Mats etc: https://bweissleather.com
Badass Beard: https://badassbeardcare.com/?rfsn=664...
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/shop/screaminp...
Vosteed Cutlery: https://tinyurl.com/Vosteed
Artisan Cutlery: https://tinyurl.com/ArtisanCutlery
Kizer Knives: https://tinyurl.com/KizerKnives

#bladeshow #screaminpirate #knifereview #edc #knife #knives #pocketknife
*DISCLAIMER** This channel's content is meant for educational purposes only, and encourages the proper/safe use, handling, and understanding of tools.


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