Rural Village Life In Himachal Pradesh | Village Life In India | Dodra Kwar Villge Shimla District

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Rural Village Life In Himachal Pradesh | Village Life In India | Dodra Kwar Villge Shimla District

Dodra and Kwar are two beautiful villages nestled in remote part of Himalayas in state of Himachal Pradesh (India). Situated at a height of 2500 mts above sea level, both the villages of Dodra and Kwar are separated by River Rupin which is a tributary of River Yamuna. Recently (Year 2009) connected through a motorable road, though seasonal, this pocket retains a pristine beauty.

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Uttarakhand village life
Most beautiful village of Himachal Pradesh
Village in Himachal Pradesh
Himachal Pradesh tourist places
Himachal Pradesh tourist places vlog
Villages of Himachal Pradesh
Dodra kwar village
remote villages in india
Himachal pradesh village life
Himalayan village life
chirgaon village
village life in india
Himalayan village life in winter season
Himalayan village life in rainy season
Ancient Himalayan village life in Himachal
Villages of Himachal Pradesh
lifestyle of mountain village people
Himalayan village in shimla district
Shimla Himachal Pradesh
chanshal pass
Dodra kwar village near chanshal
Dodra kwar village Himachal Pradesh
rural life in the high mountains of Himachal pradesh
village life in the winter season

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