How I invest during retirement and why. How much in safe assets? How much in stocks?

Описание к видео How I invest during retirement and why. How much in safe assets? How much in stocks?

How I invest in retirement and why. How did I decide how much risk to take and how safe to be. Is investing the same during retirement as working? Why not? Can I retire now. Retirement planning.

PLEASE STOP USING Spreadsheets! It falls way short optimizing every retirement factor
Retirement Tool Link I reference and use and recommend -- Boldin (old name: New Retirement)
Free 2 week trial. $120/yr after. You will buy this after trying (I have purchased for 5 years ).

NEW NAME: BOLDIN All my old links will continue to work for your free trial!*

Need a CFP to create your professional retirement plan for a one time fee? I use Neil Fortwendel (812) 471-2492. Neil created my plan. Plan updates as you wish for a smaller fee. Check Neil out on Facebook and LinkedIn. Average Cost: $3500 - includes 12 months coaching!

Money Pickle - FREE! use link to set up a FREE 45 minute dialog with a Financial Advisor
No obligation. Get answers to your specific questions. Get an expert to look at your plan.
Want a CFP to review/evaluate you plan for $300? Donaldson Capital Management now provides this service to my viewers LINK:

Promoter Disclosure: https://leandrivenreliability9-my.sha...

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Looking for a FINANCIAL ADVISOR - Assets under Management or one time plan creation. I use
Neil Fortwendel with Northwestern Mutual ph: 812 471 2492.

Video by Lean Driven Reliability LLC
This video is not investment advice nor advice at all. For entertainment ONLY and reflects my personal story. Seek professional help to understand your unique situation.

Affiliate Disclosure: Most of the links on this channel are affiliate links, meaning at no cost to you I earn a commission if you click through and purchase or set up a discussion. Nevertheless, I only recommend products or services that 1) I currently use or have used or 2) I believe can help the majority of people.

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