Holy Trinity Column in Olomouc - UNESCO World Heritage Site

Описание к видео Holy Trinity Column in Olomouc - UNESCO World Heritage Site

The Holy Trinity Column in Olomouc is probably the smallest UNESCO World Heritage site we've visited so far! It's a plague column, approx 35 metres tall, built in the 18th century as a memorial for local plague victims, and to celebrate local saints and craftsmen. It was also controversial because among the saints was included a non-saint, John Sarkander, though the problem was eventually rectified when he was canonised in the late 20th century.

More World Heritage sites in Czechia:    • Czechia 🇨🇿 - UNESCO World Heritage Sites  

More plague-related World Heritage sites:
Historic Centre of Vienna:    • Historic Centre of Vienna - UNESCO Wo...  
Venice and its Lagoon:    • Venice and its Lagoon - UNESCO World ...  

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Music: Bensound.com - Happiness
Thumbnail image via Wikimedia Commons, by By Ben Skála, Benfoto - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index...


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