Here before // Complete Warrior Cats Limbo MAP (Hosted by ArcherDetective)

Описание к видео Here before // Complete Warrior Cats Limbo MAP (Hosted by ArcherDetective)

I am not an artist featured or a creator of any of these videos, they are being reuploaded because they cannot be found elsewhere or risk deletion.

I do not condone the actions of those who have left the community due to the awful things they were called out for.

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Original Upload Date: September 12, 2019

Original Description:
FIRST OFF a huge shoutout to Eonator for helping so much with this project!!! She did the designs for the starclan cats, did the thumbnail and wrote the script!! and I cannot thank her enough please check her out!

+ What's Happening? +
In canon all three of these cats (Ashfur, Rainflower, and Appledusk) get into Starclan despite having done objectively bad things in their life. Ashfur helps someone from another clan kill his leader and tries to kill the three in the fire just to hurt Squirrelflight. Rainflower neglects her son, and has his name changed to Crookedkit because of his Crooked jaw. Appledusk cheats on Mapleshade and pushes her away after the death of their kits. Now he's a problem with the Dark Forest. It really seems to be there only for the worst of the worst, like Tigerstar. So cats that have done bad things not to the level of Tigerstar get off scott free.
So this map essentially brings up the idea that maybe cats that have done bad things in their life and are morally grey get to have a chance to redeem themself. They get to see memories of their life from an outside perspective and based on their reactions Starclan decides where to place them accordingly.
This map shows the three scenarios that could happen. For Ashfur, he doesn't show remorse for his actions and still believes he was in the right, so he goes to the Dark Forest. Appledusk sees what he did was wrong and regrets it all and is welcomed into Starclan. And Rainflower, not thinking she was in the wrong but also not truly caring for the judgement of Starclan, wanders Limbo forever.

THAT WAS A LONG EXPLANATION I'M SORRY. Please support the participants of this map!! it wouldn't have been possible without them, seriously go check them out!!

+ Participants +
1) Icefelis Otsukimi
2) Slithering Crow
3) interstellarKip
4) Archerdetective
5) Burrferns
6) Eonator
7) RavenEcho
8) SeventhFox
9) Nicmeows
10) Thefieryfenec
11) Amir & Co Studios.
12) Softkitties
14) Jih Pun
15) Archerdetective
16) BrightBlue
17) Eonator.
18) OatsAndToast Avena

Song credits:
Here before - vashti bunyan
1982 - The Crash Engine


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