Amazon Budget DIY Hychika Drill Vs Mainstream DEWALT DCD791 In Tool Battle

Описание к видео Amazon Budget DIY Hychika Drill Vs Mainstream DEWALT DCD791 In Tool Battle

→ HYCHIKA Brushless Drill 20-Volt Max -
→ DEWALT DCD791 Brushless Drill - drill
This drill battle between the Hychika and DEWALT is the start of a series where we want to dive into the pricing and quality of DIY brands that we find in our big box stores. Sadly, DIY brands have started to reposition themselves with higher powers to lure buyers into spending more money on the same brand rather than switching battery platforms. Is it a smart move to own the best tool a budget DIY tool makes or the lower level of a professional tool brand? Some people would say that you should never own the biggest home on the block. Take that for what it is worth.

Here we just see what you can get for $80 shipped to your home free and in 2 days and compare it to a $200 drill kit. The results are a combination of what you expect and also pretty surprising.


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