Sustaining Attrition w/

Описание к видео Sustaining Attrition w/

The Russo-Ukrainian war, now in its third year, has become a gruelling war of attrition. Despite resource depletion, Russia has adapted and pressed Ukraine into a resource-intensive conflict. How can Ukraine sustain in this high-intensity conflict, given the intermittent support from the west and shortages in manpower?

‪@EuroResilience‬ host Sergej Sumlenny invited two guests to unpack these questions: Dr. Gustav Gressel, a policy fellow and #BattlefieldBreakdown host at ‪@EuroResilience‬ & ‪@ECFRTV‬ senior policy fellow and ‪@BundesheerKarriereAT‬'s Col. Dr. Markus Reisner, the head of the Institute of Officers basic training #bundesheer

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Thumbnail background picture attribution: The Institute for the Study of War, ‪@UnderstandingWarOrg‬

0:00 Russia adapted for attrition warfare
8:08 Air defense is shaping the war
14:18 Ramping up ammo production
23:00 Military Goals of Russia & Ukraine
33:45 The impact of Ukraine's drone strikes
39:12 Military objectives for 2024
51:00 Solving Ukraine's manpower shortage
57:14 Battlefield lessons from past conflicts


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