A Private Visit at Arthur C. Clarke Home

Описание к видео A Private Visit at Arthur C. Clarke Home

Important Note: The Arthur C Clarke website with dozens of pictures and videos of Sir ARthur is back on line! Jump at this new url: https://arthurcclarke2.blogspot.com
Arthur C. Clarke Home in Colombo - The Video
Back in the early 80’s, at that time a young man in his mid-twenties, i had the luck to meet in his home in Colombo, Ceylan, where he was living since1956, Sir Arthur C. Clarke, legendary science fiction writer and immortal author of 2001 : A Space Odyssey. When i arrived Clarke told me that he just signed with his publisher the contract for the 2001 sequel and i still remember him showing me in his office the latest pictures of Jupiter that N.A.S.A had sent to him. I stayed with him one hour, shoot some pictures - you have two of them below - and i still remember his warm welcome, specially for someone ringing at his door without appointment!

Arthur C. Clarke passed away at 90 in 2008 and more than 30 years later after my first visit, i went back to Colombo and asked if it would be possible to visit Arthur C. Clarke office as it has been kept in perfect condition by Clarke’s Sri Lankan friends. They kindly let me in and thanks to a long travelling that should give you the feeling to move softly inside Arthur C. Clarke’s home you will discover his personal office, his wall of awards, and much more.

As all of Arthur C. Clarke admirers won’t have the chance to travel to Colombo or be able to enter inside his last home i've put this video online and embed it here, for a last tribute to a visionary genius.

The video was shot in HD 1080p with the great Sony RX100 M3 camera and for a long traveling it did a great job as i'm surprised that the image is not shaking more than it does.

During my last visit i've also taken dozens of pictures of Arthur C Clarke home that you can see in high-res on the website i have designed in tribute to Arthur C. Clarke here: https://arthurcclarke2.blogspot.com
The page with pictures of Arthur C Clarke home starts here:


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