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   • 【民國虐戀】《半生緣》根據張愛玲同名小說改編 | 林心如 蔣勤勤 譚耀文 ...  

📺 劇名:#半生緣
🎬 集數:35
📜 劇情簡介:《半生緣》是根據張愛玲同名小說改編的電視劇,該劇講述了在三十年代舊上海的一個悲涼的愛情故事。大學畢業的顧曼楨來到一家工廠的寫字間做事,同事沈世鈞英俊溫厚,曼楨和他互相傾慕,漸入熱戀。原本平平常常的戀愛卻因為發生在燈紅酒綠、人慾橫流的舊上海,而變得詭秘甚至險惡猙獰。

演員:#林心如 #蔣勤勤 #譚耀文 #李立群 #常鋮 #胡可

🎬 Episodes: 35
📜 Synopsis: This drama is an adaptation of Zhang Ailing's novel of the same name, portraying a melancholic love story set in the old Shanghai of the 1930s. Gu Manzhen, a university graduate, starts working in an office at a factory, where she encounters her handsome and kind colleague, Shen Shijun. They develop a mutual admiration and gradually fall deeply in love. However, their initially ordinary romance takes on an eerie and even sinister nature due to the backdrop of a decadent and morally corrupt old Shanghai, characterized by its vibrant nightlife and rampant desires.


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