Poi Spinning Tutorial: How to Learn Hyperloops

Описание к видео Poi Spinning Tutorial: How to Learn Hyperloops

Intermediate/advanced poi tutorial: Learn poi hyperloops!

Upcoming events!
►June 22-29: Leviathan Poi Camp on Lasqueti Island, BC: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/leviathan...
►May 23-25: Poi Weekender near Montreal, BC:   / 18cz5pjb2g  
►August 16-23: Poi and Yoga in Switzerland!   / 19jhexcf63  
Big News! I've added my step-by-step course, Learn and Master the Fundamentals of Poi, to my members section, right here on YouTube! / @playpoivideos

►Poi spinning events, lessons, and gear reviews at https://playpoi.com
►Check my step-by-step poi courses!    / @playpoivideos  
►Need gear? Use our codes to $ave while supporting Playpoi!
http://flowtoys.com: pleasekeepsecret
http://homeofpoi.com: Playpoi
http://speevers.com: 3089
https://lighttoys.cz/store/vpoi/v4/ = nicklikesvisualpoi


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