#11 Journal Prompt Lessons from Nature

Описание к видео #11 Journal Prompt Lessons from Nature

Journal Prompt #11

Many medicinal herbs are at their most vibrant, synergistically potent stage right now...that means they are at their peak, packed with the greatest amount of healing energy...this is their birthright, this is their journey. They didn't force, they simply allowed this journey to unfold. They are an inspiration in simply being, knowing, and trusting.

Imagine, sense, and feel yourself as a beautiful flower or medicinal herb 🙂 in its most powerful, self-nurturing, self-loving, self-trusting, powerful embodiment! How does your body feel when you dip into this energy? This is energy of simply BEING (not judging, not self-demonizing) in your most vibrant, potent energetic state which is also your birthright.

If you can, sit with a medicinal herb (they are all around us...and those that you need tend to follow you home so look around to see what what plants are there) and tune into that energy.


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