What's wrong with the 2019 Prayer Book?

Описание к видео What's wrong with the 2019 Prayer Book?

Father Timothy Matkin examines the issue of the fatal flaw with the 2019 Book of Common Prayer of the Anglican Church in North America (ACNA). A rubric in the additional directions for the Holy Eucharist (page 141) allows excess consecrated wine to be poured out rather than consumed.

Father Matkin explains why this is a common misconception about the way the sacrament should be handled, but outside the tradition and even a sacrilege.

Please urge your bishop and delegation to vote against adoption of the proposed Prayer Book unless and until the rubric is corrected.

The proposed 2019 Book Common Prayer can be accessed online at the ACNA website.


I have a blog post with additional information, the rubrical history and frequently asked questions:

UPDATE: At the 2019 provincial assembly when the new Prayer Book was introduced, the last sentence of the rubric was changed by the House of Bishops to read: "If any consecrated Bread or Wine remains after the Communion, it may be set aside in a safe place for future reception. Apart from that which is to be set aside, the Priest or Deacon, and other communicants, reverently consume the remaining consecrated Bread, either after the Ministration of Communion or after the Dismissal. The consecrated Wine shall likewise be consumed, except as authorized and directed by the Bishop."


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