Biological Warfare / Flames of Sacrifice (South Korea/China) - Unleash the Freaks of Extermination

Описание к видео Biological Warfare / Flames of Sacrifice (South Korea/China) - Unleash the Freaks of Extermination

Excellent new split from these two hordes of terrifying, vitriolic, grinding Black Noise, part of the infamous Circle of the 4444 Reich internatinal terror collective.

Biological Warfare, solo project of V (Shrapnel of Malediction, Scorn, ex-Aek Gwi, Thy Sepulchral Moon) delivers blistering Blackened Noisegrind as per usual, except this is perhaps the project's most "musical" release to date. Not to say it is more accessible by any means, but definitely features some more orthodoxically structured moments, with sick grooves and riffs, even if still drowned in a haze of noisy distortion and decimating brutality.

Flames of Sacrifice, on the other hand, is one of the most recent additions fo the collective, along with their compatriots in Filthyland. This act delievers also noisy and unbridled, industrial Raw Black metal malignancy, not too unlike RotUGF.

Digitally released by the bands. Cassette version soon via Tophet Productions.

Biological Warfare:

Flames of Sacrifice:

Tophet Productions:


1 Biological Warfare - 祖国の感染化 00:00
2 Biological Warfare - 撲滅のための準備 07:40
3 Biological Warfare - 害虫人種 12:28
4 億人斬 14:03
5 排泄物的救世主 18:31
6 低等豚死期 23:02

All rights belong to Biological Warfare, Flames of Sacrifice and Tophet Productions. Video will be deleted upon request.


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