Filmmakers Academy: In Conversation with Miguel Gomes

Описание к видео Filmmakers Academy: In Conversation with Miguel Gomes

Miguel Gomes – Director
Shirley Bruno – Filmmakers Academy
Philbert Aimé Mbabazi Sharangabo – Filmmakers Academy
Rina Tsou – Filmmakers Academy
Hamza Bangash – Filmmakers Academy

Stefano Knuchel – Head of Filmmakers Academy

Think of Miguel Gomes and you instantly feel the joy of hitting the road. The ultimate outdoor director, Miguel Gomes always takes us on a physical journey, putting himself at risk. During this time when it is difficult to travel, exchanges between distant cultures are also more complicated. We liked the idea of travelling around Miguel Gomes’ cinematic world in the company of four talents linked to the Filmmakers Academy whose talent blossomed in different corners of the globe. All of them left a country, its identity and culture, to find the opportunity of cinematically expressing themselves abroad. The courage to travel, the richness of meeting other cultures is what will be shared during this dialogue with one of the most creative and stimulating directors in contemporary cinema.


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