What is Religion?

Описание к видео What is Religion?

Defining religion is not that easy. There are over a hundred different definitions of religion today. The German philosopher Maximilian Forschner recognized this problem and, instead of a definition, named 8 criteria that characterize every religion.

In this video, you can find out which 8 criteria these are and whether we can actually find them in all 5 world religions.

0:00 Overview and definition
2:34 8 Criteria of Religion (Maximilian Forschner)
3:49 1st Criterion: Belief in supernatural beings and powers
5:03 2nd Criterion: Distinguishing sacred and profane objects
7:00 3rd Criterion: Ritual acts
8:58 4th Criterion: Moral code
12:23 5th criterion: Specific feelings
12:42 6th Criterion: Prayers
16:27 7th Criterion: Presentation of nature and history
19:02 8th Criterion: Community
19:51 Own examples?


Arte. 2021. Göttlich! Die großen Weltreligionen.

Forschner, Maximilian. 2002. Religion. In: Lexikon der Ethik. Hrsg.v. Höffe, Otfried. Beck. München.

Gäb, Sebastian. 2022. Religionsphilosophie. Nomos. Baden-Baden.

Glasenapp, Helmuth von. 1996. Die fünf Weltreligionen. Diederichs. München.

Der Brockhaus Religionen. Glauben, Riten, Heilige. 2006. Brockhaus. Mannheim.

Kanning, Sarah. 2019. Glaube und Frieden.

Pollack, Detlef. Was ist Religion? Eine kritische Diskussion.


All online sources were last accessed on 16.04.2022.


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