How To Make A Concrete Worktop: demould and flip your concrete

Описание к видео How To Make A Concrete Worktop: demould and flip your concrete

GFRC concrete can be made very thin compared to traditional concrete and unlike traditional concrete has considerable flexural strength.

HOWEVER, in the early stages of the curing process the concrete can still crack or fail, so it is important when moving it or transporting it, that it is done so with care.

In this bitesize video we show you a flip and carry move! Take care to ensure the area around the concrete is clean and debris free. You don't want to scratch the concrete when you move it. Also make sure that you have mapped out where you are taking the concrete once you have it in hand. Finally make sure you have enough pairs of hands to take the weight. A good rule of thumb is one pair of hands per square metre of concrete.

If you have any more questions please give us a shout at [email protected]. Also check out our website for more handy hints and tips


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