Interactive AR and 3D Experiences | Amazon Accelerate 2023

Описание к видео Interactive AR and 3D Experiences | Amazon Accelerate 2023

Our suite of augmented reality (AR) and 3D shopping experiences bring your products to life, allowing customers to interactively engage and realistically evaluate items. From virtually trying on shoes to evaluating makeup and visualizing items in their own home, customers can use AR and 3D to see products in detail from any angle. Our interactive shopping experiences have not only increased engagement with more than 80% of customers likely to use these experiences again, but they've also led to +1.5-3x improvements in purchase conversions. Join us to walk through Amazon’s AR and 3D experiences and understand the steps required to enable this content for your products. You'll also get insight into new platforms, partnerships, and technologies (via the Amazon Seller app) to help you create 3D assets.

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