いっぱい失敗する方法 How to fail a lot | 佐々木 翔 Kakeru Sasaki | TEDxTeikyoU

Описание к видео いっぱい失敗する方法 How to fail a lot | 佐々木 翔 Kakeru Sasaki | TEDxTeikyoU

Kakeru Sasaki is a "Certified Oorthoptist" specializing in eye examinations and orthoptics. After gaining clinical experience at a university hospital, has been conducting research on strabismus and amblyopia at Teikyo University since 2014 while also training future orthoptists. In 2021, established the university-based venture company Square Wheel Corp. Drawing on firsthand experiences as an orthoptist, aims to address challenges encountered in the field. As a " Crafting Orthoptist," is dedicated to the invention and development of medical devices. He is trying to improve the medical field of ophthalmology by using 3D printers and social networking services to make his own products. 眼科で眼の検査や訓練を行う視能訓練士の佐々木翔は,大学付属病院での臨床経験を経て2014年から帝京大学で斜視・弱視に関する研究を行いながら視能訓練士の育成をしている。2021年には大学発ベンチャー株式会社スクエアウィールを設立。視能訓練士としての現場経験で感じた課題を解決することを目指し、「モノづくり視能訓練士」として医療機器の発明,開発に取り組んでいる。3DプリンターとSNSを活用し、自らモノづくりで眼科の医療現場を改善しようと挑戦している彼は、小さな失敗をコレクションすることで,成功へ導く新たな価値を生み出している。100倍失敗して、100倍の成果を生み出す秘訣とは?

Kakeru Sasaki is a "Certified Oorthoptist" specializing in eye examinations and orthoptics. After gaining clinical experience at a university hospital, has been conducting research on strabismus and amblyopia at Teikyo University since 2014 while also training future orthoptists. In 2021, established the university-based venture company Square Wheel Corp. Drawing on firsthand experiences as an orthoptist, aims to address challenges encountered in the field. As a " Crafting Orthoptist," is dedicated to the invention and development of medical devices. He is trying to improve the medical field of ophthalmology by using 3D printers and social networking services to make his own products. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx


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