WCC Jamie and Amanda YouTube

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October 25, 2024
Applying 4DEE in the Classroom
Presenters: Amanda Zirzow and Jamie Kneitel

Got nonmajors? Need ideas to teach human-environment interactions? 4DEE Scholars, Amanda Zirzow and Jamie Kneitel, will share insights for teaching nonmajors and incorporating human-environment interactions in the classroom in ESA's new “Applying 4DEE in the Classroom” Water Cooler Chat series.

Visit the QUBEShub website to read about their resources:
Amanda Zirzow: https://qubeshub.org/publications/4880/1
Jamie Kneitel: https://qubeshub.org/publications/4820/2

Description of Amanda's resource: This talk will explore how to embed the Four-Dimensional Ecology Education (4DEE) Framework into general biology and microbiology courses, where ecological concepts are often underrepresented. By focusing on Core Ecological Concepts, Ecology Practices, Human-Environment Interactions, and Cross-Cutting Themes, practical strategies will be discussed to weave ecology into courses that traditionally focus elsewhere, deepening student engagement and understanding across disciplines.

Description of Jamie's resource: The HUMAN-ENVIRONMENT AQUATIC LAB (HEAL) is a CURE designed for an upper-division division ecology lab with students majoring in biology, environmental studies, or related majors. The goals for students in this course-based research experience include having a genuine research experience through critically assessing the literature, developing hypotheses, organizing and implementing a study, managing and analyzing data, and disseminating the study. Moreover, students will gain skills in collaboration and a deeper understanding of the ecology and human-environment interactions in their region. I will discuss the details of this CURE and include the motivation for its development, overall structure, challenges, and potential modifications of this program.

The ESA Four-Dimensional Ecology Education (4DEE) framework integrates core concepts, practices, cross-cutting themes and human-environment interactions to prepare today’s students for tomorrow’s ecological challenges!

For more information about the Four-Dimensional Ecology Education (4DEE) framework:


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