MUGEN AI Patch Release: Yusuke Urameshi by Team YuNeo

Описание к видео MUGEN AI Patch Release: Yusuke Urameshi by Team YuNeo

Authors (Couldn't fit in the title): RajaaBoy, ThaNewDude07, ThisIsGir and Kamekaze
1.1 only Character

Hey everyone! MarioMemer releasing an AI Patch for a character a friend of mine suggested me to do. That person being Laharl, a recent friend of mine who's given me some AI patching suggestions a bit ago. This Yusuke was one of them and due to me patching a lot of Rajaa's characters, I was very interested to take a look into him. And what I found was an interesting modified version of Rajaa's system, basically all the same without parries or air dashes. Laharl told me that the OG AI would constantly spam the Spirit Gun and from what I noticed, it also seemed to fail a lot of combos as well. I aimed to make Yusuke's AI take good advantage of his combos while also being a lot more resource manageful with his power and spirit energy. A pretty fun one to work on overall though I was quite worried about reception as this character is 1.1 only, and the only other time I've patched one I was able to convert them fairly easily. Unfortunately, Yusuke uses a lot of 1.1 mechanics and has MANY effects in his sff that couldn't be properly converted to 1.0. Shoutouts to Sergio P though for offering help to convert him. I hope y'all enjoy!

AI Patch:
Original Character:

Configuration Settings:
- Voice selection (Moved up and made easier to find)
- AI level
- Power Charge Toggle
- MANY Combo related settings

- Pretty good combos overall, Yusuke has the basics like Chain Combos and his Elbow bash which is really good for combos. His uppercuts are his main combos for juggle starters and a fully charged spirit gun is amazing when it lands, doing a lot of damage while also causing a wallbounce for Yusuke to perform Aerial Combos. His rapid punch is just a general combo extender which isn't bad. Some alternate things Yusuke can do is trip and charge up his spirit energy.
- Spirit Gun is really good even the uncharged versions. Generally huge hitboxes and great neutral tools. With the AI, I made it so that if Yusuke is at a certain amount of charge, he won't use Spirit Guns in Neutral and instead will use them in Combos.
- Spirit Cuffs is an AMAZING install, gives a lot of Iframes, automatically fills his Spirit Energy and access to Double Spirit Gun and Desperate Spirit Gun (Costs 1 and 2 bars respectively). Oh yeah it can also be cancelled out of from normals for some nasty combos.
- Damage Dampener can be nasty sometimes, this can especially be said for combos involving Super Spirit gun. Yusuke has to keep his dampener in check most of the time and whenever he goes for a combo involving Super/Double Spirit gun, he does the setup relatively early on in the combo to get the most out of both moves.
- Juggle system is also something that holds him back quite a bit, especially since his main combos are juggle combos, I made Yusuke play around his Juggle count by taking advantage of moments like after strong uppercut to decide to jump in for an Air Combo OR use one more uppercut and use that time to charge power or spirit energy.

Yusuke by Team YuNeo, Consisting of RajaaBoy, ThaNewDude07, ThisIsGir and Kamekaze, AI by me
Ichigo by Ikaruga


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