The 10 Traits ALL Cluster B Disorders Have

Описание к видео The 10 Traits ALL Cluster B Disorders Have

1) Why we should move away from calling it narcissistic abuse and move towards calling it Cluster B abuse.

2) Cluster A, B, C: Mad, Bad, Sad. A brief introduction to the three different clusters of personality disorders, and why Cluster B is known as Bad.

3) Projection, Gaslighting, and DARVO. The three most important vocabulary words to know if you’re dealing with a Cluster B and what they mean.

4) The scale of cheating to stalking. What Object Permanence means and how the Cluster B disorders’ lack of object permanence leads to clingy or deceptive behaviors.

5) Jealously and a hatred of other people’s boundaries. How to spot red flags when early detection is key.

6) An excessive need for (something specific) from other people and what each disorder needs in excess. Why the excessive need will never be satisfied while the Cluster B will never meet their partner’s or their children’s needs.

7) Laundry Listing: How the Cluster B will play DARVO and gaslight others into believing they have done “everything” for you while you have done nothing.

8) Masking and Unmasking: If it’s a mental illness, why do they act so fake in public? Well, as it turns out, thanks to my spies in their support groups, we know that the Cluster B disorders have had their own words for it for quite some time.

9) Poor impulse control with no thought to consequences. That shocked facial expression once they realize there is a consequence for their bad behavior is the most authentic part of the Cluster B disorder we will ever see.

10) My brand promotes no contact.

#personalitydisorder #clusterb #narcissist #borderline #histrionic #antisocial #passiveaggressive #redflags #DARVO #gaslightingawareness #projections


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