How the PP system sees rrtyui's FC on The Big Black

Описание к видео How the PP system sees rrtyui's FC on The Big Black

This is how The Quick Brown Fox - The Big Black looks like when no sliders in it.

►Player : rrtyui (
►Beatmap : (The no-no sliders xd),
original beatmap : (Mapped by Blue Dragon)
►Skin : WubWoofWolf v1.7.2 (KecHik Edit) -
►Game :

►►Info : osu! is a freeware rhythm game originally for Microsoft Windows. It is written in C# on the .NET Framework. The game has also been ported to Mac OS X, iOS, Android, and Windows Phone. Its gameplay is based on commercial titles including Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan, Elite Beat Agents, Taiko no Tatsujin, beatmania IIDX, O2Jam, and DJMax.

►►The Quick Brown Fox - The Big Black [WHO'S AFRAID OF THE BIG BLACK]


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