Dialing in the Wake Surfing PIDs

Описание к видео Dialing in the Wake Surfing PIDs

Blazeair and the Burger Boys surf team invited us out for a lake day while we were out in Minnesota to surf and film; we couldn't pass up the opportunity.

Stay Flying Hoodie: https://store.nurk.tv/products/cinewh...
Stay Flying T Shirt: https://store.nurk.tv/products/cinewh...
Mesh Back Hat aka the most comfortable hat in the world: https://bit.ly/352gy2a
Embroidered Hat: https://bit.ly/3w7dygY
All products: https://bit.ly/nurkstore

Check out everyone's instagrams:
  / blazeair15  
  / burgerboyssurfteam  
  / alexascore  
  / blazeairmn  
  / j19lundquist  

Consider following me through memberships: http://bit.ly/nurkmembership
or on Patreon: https://bit.ly/nurkpatreon

My Racing Drone:
Motors: Hobbywing 1750 // http://bit.ly/2QlgSnc
Flight Controller: Hobbywing G2 // http://bit.ly/2QfH9Dr (for sale!)
ESC: Hobbywing 40A 4-1 // http://bit.ly/2opqsWx
VTX : TBS Unify // http://bit.ly/2NyM0eb
Receiver: TBS Crossfire Micro // http://bit.ly/2LGgNUL
RX Antenna: TBS Immortal T // http://bit.ly/2MGS1ZR
VTX Antenna: TBS Triumph // http://bit.ly/2N3gDeU
Frame: HyphyMultirotors Wobbegong: http://bit.ly/2Arkr0W
Camera: Runcam Racer // http://bit.ly/2SeAG96
Lipo: CNHL Ministar 6s // http://bit.ly/2LH920S
Prop: Azurepower 5150 // http://bit.ly/2LG70Oc

Learn to build a drone!:    • How to Build a Cinematic FPV Drone in...  
Full parts list on this drone with affiliate links:
Motors: http://bit.ly/2QlgSnc
Flight Controller: https://bit.ly/2AmUZxq
ESC: Hobbywing 60a — https://bit.ly/2xUKTCX
Video Transmitter: https://bit.ly/3fOfYJV
Receiver: https://bit.ly/3fOfYJV
Frame: Project 399 SuperG — http://bit.ly/2zUGAVo
Camera : https://bit.ly/3fOfYJV
Lipo: CNHL Ministar 6s — https://bit.ly/2WSCOHx
Prop: Azure 5150 — https://bit.ly/2WrvuUj

Other Peripherals:
Goggles: Fatshark HDO — http://bit.ly/2rrEb3J
Get Started with DJI: — https://bit.ly/3crk3l1
DJI but I want my own radio: —https://bit.ly/3crk3l1
DJI Receiver Directional Antennas: TrueRC Patch for DJI — https://bit.ly/3cs3xBi (requires 2, not necessary, but amazing)
DJI Receiver Omni Antennas: TrueRC Stubby Singularity — https://bit.ly/3cqC2rD (purchase 1, comes with 4)
Goggle Receiver Module: IMRC Rapidfire —https://bit.ly/2IHtDq7
Goggle DVR Accessory: IMRC Powerplay — https://bit.ly/3cfr3kG
Goggle Battery Replacement: 18500 Batteries — https://bit.ly/2UyU9Vg (go in powerplay)
Radio: Taranis 9XD — https://bit.ly/35kYMsb
TBS Crossfire : TBS Crossfire — http://bit.ly/2BVwMgX
Solder: — http://bit.ly/nurksolder
Soldering Iron: TS100 — https://bit.ly/2KeBY5e
Lipo Charger: HOTA 15A — https://bit.ly/3piuH4e

Drone Camera: GoPro Hero Session 5 // http://amzn.to/2DgXb5I
Drone Camera: GoPro Hero 9 // https://amzn.to/32S7NHA
Big Main Vlogging Camera: Sony A7III // https://amzn.to/2N3ogSh
Big Main Vlogging Camera Wide Lens: Sony 10-18 // https://amzn.to/2PNI5ff
Big Main Vlogging Camera Long Lens: Sony 85 1.8 // https://amzn.to/2MCxiq0
Mic for Vlogging Camera: Rhode Video Mic Go // http://amzn.to/2l1lcqz
Tripod in the Sky: DJI Mavic // https://amzn.to/36GEDvZ
My awesome Pants: http://amzn.to/2kZ3ZOQ

Ultimate FPV Harddrive:
Western Digital My Wireless Passport Pro
4TB: http://amzn.to/2t8dilZ
3TB: http://amzn.to/2HXH2p5
2TB: http://amzn.to/2F5J708

Thanks to each of my sponsors:
RunCam: http://www.runcam.com/
FPV-Direct: https://www.fpv-direct.com/
Futaba: http://www.futabarc.com/
China Hobby Line: https://chinahobbyline.com/
AirVuz: https://www.airvuz.com/

Hire my production company, Cinactive Media:
  / cinactive-media-124135864968965  
Check out my other videos!    / nurkfpv  
Follow me on Instagram:   / nurkfpv  
Tweet at me on Twitter:   / nurkfpv  

No Purchase necessary to win the Flywoo Hex, and a purchase will not increase your chance to win. Please fill out the following form to be entered to win: https://forms.gle/7y9h3e97DrPo2zs7A

#fpv #wakesurf #filming


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