FCAS Manned-Unmanned Teaming and Remote Carriers

Описание к видео FCAS Manned-Unmanned Teaming and Remote Carriers

FCAS is a complete combat System of Systems leveraging the collaborative capabilities of connected assets.

The rise of Integrated Air Defence Systems (IADS) is leading to more complex and challenging operational environments and at the same time we have seen a decline in the numbers of increasingly sophisticated Western combat aircraft, meaning fewer assets are available for operational duty.

When both trends combined, Western air forces are at risk of not being able to field sufficient combat mass to defeat an adversary’s IADS. Teaming of manned combat aircraft with unmanned systems is one way of addressing this situation, whilst bringing the additional benefit of reducing the risk to the pilots.
To effectively orchestrate the use of these assets, there is a strong push for Manned-Unmanned Teaming technologies, a field in which Airbus holds a leading position.


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