The Matrix - Modern Trailer (2024)

Описание к видео The Matrix - Modern Trailer (2024)

Reimagining The Matrix's trailer as if it was coming out today (2024) instead of 25 years ago. Inspired by ‪@FilmFeed‬ 's Fight Club modern trailer. Hope you enjoy.

...and take this red pill, not the other ones...

Footage Property of Warner Bros. and Village Roadshow

Some sound effects sourced from users sidadrumbum and newlocknew on

Editor: C.D. Acevedo

Like, subscribe, let me know if you want more. Constructive criticism is also welcome. Also, if you're Agent Smith do not watch this video.

EMAIL ME: [email protected]
IG: @cdace.001 or @ironforgep

#thematrix #trailer #redpill


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