Chill Mordhau Gameplay — Executioner's Sword Build at Totenwald

Описание к видео Chill Mordhau Gameplay — Executioner's Sword Build at Totenwald

A rare appearance of Mordhau's newest map, Totenwald. It's a shame this map isn't very popular because I like it far, far more than one of Mordhau's other newest maps Arid.

My guess why Totenwald isn't that popular is because people don't know how to meme on the map like they can on Grad. There is a bit of a hive-mind consciousness involved with the older maps where the majority of players see someone doing something specific on an original release map and they just know what's up and either join in or leave them alone.

That's not really the case on the new map, Totenwald. And since it rarely gets picked over the original maps, there's just been no room for development of a Totenwald "culture" for players.

But I do enjoy this map! So it's def a win for me.

You can pick up Mordhau on Steam, Xbox and PlayStation. But tbh, skip the console version.

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