把一只阿拉斯加从中国送到美国究竟需要花多少钱?\How much does it really cost to send an Alaska from China to USA?

Описание к видео 把一只阿拉斯加从中国送到美国究竟需要花多少钱?\How much does it really cost to send an Alaska from China to USA?

两周前,我们委托国际宠物托运把一只阿拉斯加送到了美国旧金山。这个过程是非常复杂的,而且费用特别昂贵,借此机会我们向国外的朋友介绍一下国际宠物托运大概的流程还有费用。\Two weeks ago, we commissioned International Pet Transport to deliver an Alaska to San Francisco, USA. This process was very complicated and expensive. We would like to take this opportunity to introduce the approximate process and cost of International Pet Transport to our foreign clients .


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