Описание к видео SIESTA FESTIVAL – PANORAMA # 1 – 27.01.2024

On the first night of the series, SIESTA FESTIVAL embarked on a captivating literary journey through the words of three authors: Ingeborg Robles, Spanish-German writer, explored everyday ironies and paradoxes, bringing Greek myth to the domestic kitchen and intertwining high culture with shoes. Juan Ignacio Chávez, Peruvian writer, delved into a colonial nightmare, navigating the journey to identity in the midst of confinement. Bolivian writer Martha Gantier reflected on the forgotten god, the city as a port of suitcases and the profound themes of death and rebirth. The event was enriched by the translations of Monika Jorge Mateo, Laura Rogalski and Jacqueline Schauer, the moderation of Carmen Volpe and the music of DJ Costalero.

AUTHORS_Ingeborg Robles; Juan Ignacio Chávez; Martha Gantier.
TRANSLATORS_ Monika Jorge Mateo; Laura Rogalski; Jacqueline Schauer.
MODERATOR_ Carmen Volpe.
MUSIC_ DJ Costalero.

SIESTA FESTIVAL is an intercultural and inclusive literary celebration that has been a vibrant part of Berlin's cultural fabric since 2022. Rooted in Latin American authors residing in Berlin, the curatorial team collaborates with artists to transform traditional readings through sound, visual, and performative elements. Notably, SIESTA VERLAG, the festival's editorial arm, enhances these cultural events by publishing the catalogue-de-artiste associated with each event, further enriching the festival's impact.

Video: Nina Cavalcanti

Hosted by LETTRÉTAGE (
With support from the Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhalt.


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