The LURA (Levelling Up and Regeneration Act): The Effects Now and in the Medium Term - webinar

Описание к видео The LURA (Levelling Up and Regeneration Act): The Effects Now and in the Medium Term - webinar

Pinsent Masons and Landmark Chambers' hosted this webinar via MS Teams on Wednesday 8 November 2023, 9am – 10.30am.

This webinar covered the impact of LURA on developments in the short term and the next couple of years.

Speakers included: Jenny Wigley KC (Joint Head of Chambers, Landmark Chambers), Rupert Warren KC (Head of Planning Group, Landmark Chambers), Richard Ford (Partner, Pinsent Masons) and Rebecca Warren (Strategic Development Consultant, Pinsent Masons).

To access the presentation slides for this webinar, please follow this link -


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