split ac wiring diagram indoor outdoor single phase

Описание к видео split ac wiring diagram indoor outdoor single phase

single phase split ac indoor outdoor wiring diagram.

An air conditioner is a system or a machine that treats air in a defined
usually enclosed area via a refrigeration cycle in which warm air is
removed and replaced with cooler air.in construction a complete system of
heating ventilation and air conditioning is referred to as HVAC.
what is air conditioner and how it works?
The air conditioner in a central heating and cooling system
provides cool air through duct work inside your home by providing
a process that draws out the warm air inside removing its heat.
from that point the condenser or outdoor unit then turns the
refrigerant vapor back into a liquid removing any heat.
what is split air conditioner AC?
A split air conditioner consists of an outdoor unit and an indoor unit.
The outdoor unit is installed on or near the exterior wall of the room
that you wish to cool. This unit houses the compressor condenser coil
and the expansion coil or capillary tubing.
How does an air conditioner work simple explanation?
The air conditioner in a central heating and cooling system provides
cool air through duct work inside your home by providing a process
that draws out the warm air inside removing its heat. from that point
the condenser or outdoor unit then turns the refrigerant
vapor back into a liquid removing any heat.
Split AC and Window AC difference between
The main difference between the two is that window air conditioner has
a single unit whereas split air conditioner has 2 units indoor and outdoor


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