BCS Podcast #05: Mason Henderson

Описание к видео BCS Podcast #05: Mason Henderson

Mason Henderson is a guest that I have been eager to interview. We don’t have deep history like some, but nonetheless I have been intrigued with his life and our podcast proved my interest. Mason is thoughtful, polite, and a man of many skills and delights. We talk about his life, his personal interests like disc golf and chess, as well as his dreams and more peculiar (“nerdy”) subjects of curiosity like gemstones and fire extinguishers. Mason is exceptionally honest, and it took me by surprise just how transparent he was willing to be. We had a ton of good laughs - before, during, and after the podcast - and it was truly a pleasure to sit down with him for a few hours and have this conversation. Mason currently resides in Joplin Missouri with his equally-lovely fiance, Kat. Thank you for watching and please consider subscribing to show your support for the podcast. Much love!

Insta: original.hendy

Sponsor: Prime Scene Property Solutions


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