Zophobas Morio-Reproducción-Cómo acelerar el proceso de larva a escarabajo-HOW TO SPEED UP PROCESS

Описание к видео Zophobas Morio-Reproducción-Cómo acelerar el proceso de larva a escarabajo-HOW TO SPEED UP PROCESS

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En este primer video comparto mi experiencia con larvas de escarabajo Zophobas Morio y en un segundo video mostraré la fase de reproducción y puesta de huevos proximamente.
Cada escarabajo puede poner entre 500 y 600 huevos a lo largo de su vida.
En mi video solo mostré un puñado de ellos con poco alimento...
Yo los alimento con pan blanco, trigo, avena, troncos de arbol, lechuga,bolillos, maíz quebrado, alimento procesado para ave y como fuente de hidratación les doy rodajas de manzana, zanahoria y papa...
Estos bichos son omnívoros, realmente comen de todo, incluso carne 🍖, es común encontrarlos dentro troncos tumbados, hacen galerías conforme se van alimentando y todo el proceso desde puesta de huevos hasta escarabajo se realiza ahi mismo...
No se recomienda como unico alimento base para mascotas, mas bien como un muy buen complemento en la alimentación de las mismas y es recomendable dar alimento variado a nuestros reptiles, tarántulas, peces y pájaros etc...
Si se compara con los tenebrios la ventaja es que el zophobas morio contiene menos grasas, mas proteínas y mas nutrientes, así como menos quitina que el tenebrio...


NOTA: No soy veterinario, zootecnista ni ningun tipo de profesional de los animales y esto lo hago a ratos libres, incluyendo mis acuarios, reptiles, tarántulas y plantas como hobbie, soy mas bien ingeniero y no soy ningun experto certificado en animales,solo comparto mis conocimientos y experiencias relativos a mis hobbies...

Si mi video te sirve te agradesco el like y sucribirte...
Saludos desde México City...

No dudes en expresar tus dudas;a veces tardo unas horas en responder pero respondo... Hasta pronto...

In this first video I share my experience with Zophobas Morio beetle larvae and in a second video I will show the reproduction and egg laying phase soon.
Each beetle can lay between 500 and 600 eggs throughout its life.
In my video I only showed a handful of them with little food ...
I feed them with white bread, wheat, oats, tree trunks, lettuce, bobbin, broken corn, processed food for birds and as a source of hydration I give them slices of apple, carrot and potato ...
These bugs are omnivores, they really eat everything, even meat 🍖, it is common to find them inside logs lying down, they make galleries as they are fed and the whole process from egg laying to beetle is done there ...
It is not recommended as the only basic food for pets, but rather as a very good complement in the feeding of the same and it is advisable to give varied food to our reptiles, tarantulas, fish and birds etc ...
If compared with the tenebrios or meal worm the advantage is that the zophobas morio contains less fat, more protein and more nutrients, as well as less chitin than the tenebrio ...
Just take the more adult and bigger worms and put into any bottle or plastic blister separately and give ventilation (small holes in top or cover),do not feed to this separate worms(is important not feed) and be shure this worms dont feel or touch with other worms in his body,they need darkness and to be alone and no feed to activate the pupa phase and then to beetle and reproduction, just wait, :) the times to metamorphosis are not the same to all worms may be 7 days may be 15 days,wait patiently ...
Is important to separate worms in "e" or "c" position(the metamorphosis is initialized they are not dead or on a heroin trip ha-ha) also separate the pupa's, cause the other active worms can to cannibalize them...


NOTE: I am not a veterinarian, zoo-technician or any kind of animal professional and this I do at leisure, including my aquariums, reptiles, tarantulas and plants as a hobby, I am rather an engineer and I am not a certified animal expert, I only share my knowledge and experiences related to my hobbies ...

If my video is useful to you please like and subscribe or share to upload more videos to you ...
Regards from Mexico City and please send nudes and tacos ha-ha ...
P.D. I never makes synth drugs or bombs and Tania is dead...

Do not hesitate to express your doubts, sometimes it takes a few hours to respond but I answer ... See you soon ...


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