Bavarian Ländler - Dance with Keine Kunst

Описание к видео Bavarian Ländler - Dance with Keine Kunst

Bavarian Ländler, also known as Steirischer Ländler, is among the faster ländler dances. A landler is similar to a waltz, but the pause that is usually found in a waltz step does not occur. It is similar to walking very fast in beat. Usually this dance will end in a Schuhplattler, where the men will slap their feet and thighs, while the women spin next to them. However, the version we are performing is a city version and does not feature a Schuhplattler. This dance features many different figures, with the chase sequence being one of the most unique sequences. This dance has an alternate ending that includes a lift, which we have included at the end of the video.

This dance was performed by Nick and Melissa, two senior members in Das ist Keine Kunst. Nick is our current Vorplattler and Melissa is our group president.


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