Rise & Shine with Alissa and guest Alice Refauvelet - Motherhood. Intuition. Growth.

Описание к видео Rise & Shine with Alissa and guest Alice Refauvelet - Motherhood. Intuition. Growth.

Alissa and Alice shared their insights on motherhood, personal growth, and self-discovery, highlighting the significance of trusting intuition and finding a supportive community. They delved into the challenges of parenting, the benefits of open adoption, and the importance of continuous improvement.

🌅 Motherhood and Self-Discovery
🌅 Intergenerational Trauma
🌅 Intuition and Continuous Growth
🌅 Embracing Open Adoption
🌅 Appreciating New Possibilities

2:33 - Motherhood and Self-Discovery
Alice and Alissa discussed their journeys through motherhood, personal growth, and self-discovery. Alice, working with Jack Canfield, emphasized the importance of trusting intuition and making bold decisions despite imperfections, while also acknowledging the challenges of motherhood.. Alissa, who became a wife and mother of two within a two and a half year timeframe, expressed the difficulties of navigating one's new identity and the need for support from a community of other mothers. Both agreed on the importance of self-care and the value of personal growth and development.

11:36 - Intergenerational Trauma
Alice and Alissa discussed the challenges of parenting, with Alice emphasizing the importance of finding a supportive community and not taking things too seriously. Alissa shared how her husband's humor helped her enjoy parenting more. Both agreed that striving to give children a better life can sometimes lead to new generational trauma.

17:51 - Intuition and Continuous Growth
Alissa emphasized the importance of growth, development, and intuition in navigating through uncertainties and challenges. She encouraged trusting one's intuition and creativity, and highlighted that success often follows the creation of value. Alice shared her own experiences with adoption, noting the importance of following one's intuition and the value of learning from the process. Both agreed on the need for continuous innovation and improvement, and the importance of sharing insights and lessons learned.

21:39 - Embracing Open Adoption:
Alice shared her experiences and insights regarding open adoption, emphasizing its potential to mitigate trauma and promote healing for both birth mothers and adoptive parents. She stressed that fear, particularly the fear of the child preferring the birth family over the adoptive parents, often underlies resistance to open adoption. However, Alice's personal journey and conversations with other adoptive parents led her to realize that love is not finite and that open adoption can enrich a child's life by providing them with a sense of their origins and a broader family network. Alissa expressed her newfound understanding and empathy towards the complexities of open adoption.
25:18 - Appreciating New Possibilities
Alissa and Alice discussed the importance of understanding and appreciating the wider choices available in various aspects of life, including business and family. Alissa emphasized the need for education and awareness to break assumptions and explore new possibilities. Alice introduced her organization, Just Choice, which aims to provide information and support for those considering adoption.


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