Super Smash Bros. Remix & Knuckles (All-Star) Knuckles [Very Hard]

Описание к видео Super Smash Bros. Remix & Knuckles (All-Star) Knuckles [Very Hard]

[Links for patches in the description] This is Town of Dalem's Knuckles patch for Smash Remix. It adds Knuckles with different variants, new stages, and new music into Smash Remix. Special Thanks to ‪@TownofDalem‬ for making this patch!

Super Smash Bros. Remix is a Rom hack of the original Super Smash Bros. for the Nintendo 64, created and organized by JSsixtyfour(The_Smashfather). It includes new stages, characters, music, and extra features! Character artworks created by Sope:   / sopessbm  

Want the link to the OG Smash Remix patch? Here you go:

Interested in my All-Star Remixed patch? Here ya go!:

Wanna try the Knuckles patch? Here ya go! You'll find their download in the description:    • Smash Remix & Knuckles  

If you want to play Super Smash Bros. Remix, you'll need the original Super Smash Bros. game in z64 format to patch it. You can play it on Project 64, Retroarch, and even a Nintendo 64 console! Make sure to have an Expansion Pak and an EverDrive-64 X7 cartridge to play on your Nintendo 64. I used Retroarch (Mupen64Plus-Next) since the N64 core is pretty good.

00:00 - Intro
01:25 - Vs. Fox
01:48 - Vs. Samus
02:28 - Vs. Yoshi
02:56 - Vs. Kirby
04:01 - Vs. Wolf
04:27 - Vs. Dr. Mario
05:49 - Vs. Dark Samus
07:04 - Vs. Lucas
08:22 - Vs. King Dedede
09:24 - Vs. Ganondorf and Y.Link
10:45 - Vs. Wario and Marina
11:51 - Vs. Mario and Pikachu
12:42 - Vs. Marth and Knuckles
14:12 - Vs. Jigglypuff and Luigi
15:47 - Vs. Sheik and Falco
16:41 - Vs. Capt. Falcon, Sonic, and Banjo-Kazooie
17:22 - Vs. Conker, Link, and Ness
18:41 - Vs. Donkey Kong, Bowser, and Goemon
20:06 - Vs. Mewtwo team [vs.25]
21:54 - Ending

#smashbros #smashremix #knuckles


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