EDF 6 DLC 2-29 I'm dreaming of a white Missiles Christmas Fencer Inferno ( Earth Defense Force 6 )

Описание к видео EDF 6 DLC 2-29 I'm dreaming of a white Missiles Christmas Fencer Inferno ( Earth Defense Force 6 )

I'm dreaming of a white Christmas
With every missile barrage I plead
May your days be merry and bright
And may all your enemies be dead

Bing Crosby certainly did not play EDF. But this original snow fest is very nasty and you'll celebrate when you finish it.

There are several problems in this mission:
- the map is crappy as hell for movement, and even Fencer can be in trouble (although he wasn't in such trouble on 128)
- the mission is scripted, and you can't control the NPCs, so guess what they just get massacred, what a surprise...
- the second and last waves are terrible
- it's really hard to have weapons that will work with every enemy you'll need to meet

Thankfully for Fencer, he has by far the easiest job here, which still isn't easy. His generous movement, and his awesome missiles which don't impact too much his movement abilities are key to this.

Weapons are the 115 Spine Driver 3 Attack and 83 YH7 Dispersal Mortar, a dual level 111 FGXR High Altitude Impact Launcher, and the always useful level 106 Dash Cell G and 107 Add Booster G enhancements.
The Spine 3 Attack is more awkward to use than the main Inferno MA. But it does more damage if everything goes right.
Dispersal Mortar may be snubbed but it's an excellent Fencer weapon. Dangerous as hell, but it does some really useful and unique attacks, it works nicely against Cyclops and it's always useful to blow away many enemies when it may be necessary. One of my favorites.
If FGX was already good, FGXR is awesome. More power, less prone to self-destruction and much faster in operation (with the same starred options as the FGX except damage). It makes so many nasty missions approachable. As in other cases the Arm-Hound / FGX pair to retain more powerful movement would not be better here, the objective is really to kill things as fast as possible, and from as far as possible too.

To mission flow.
One of the unusual things about this mission is that enemies in waves don't all spawn at once. This can be clearly seen in the second wave when I boost over the spawning point. This makes it hard for instance for Air Raider to use bomber attacks because they won't be effective.
Protecting the NPCs will be hard to impossible, for all classes except Ranger who needs them to survive. There are 4 squads, but only the captain of each squad has the survival trait, so pretty quickly you'll be reduced to 4 NPCs revived at the end of each wave. Yes, your FGXR will also massacre the NPCs, likely even faster than the enemies...
For some stupid reason, the NPCs will sometimes advance without you being nearby in the intermission phases. Why this happens it's a mystery, but hey it's EDF.

The first wave is pretty straightforward to handle.
The second is troublesome. Cannonball Androids are always tricky to handle. They are difficult to kill, and their blast is huge and with a giant range (I do think it's almost Spine's range). Killing most of the NPCs isn't unusual. And to complement in the second phase of this wave a few more nasty androids will spawn on the NPCs back and they will have lots of trouble handling them.
Boosting over the first of these spawns is cool and useful, but then run away and missile what you can as fast as possible. Dying from cannonball blasts is VERY common here. Beware that enemies blown away far can be cannonball Androids.
It's also usual for Androids blown away to glitch on map borders in this phase.
The third wave is not difficult for Fencer. The FGXR will wipe quickly the dangerous leg parts of deroys and they will eventually get killed too.
The 4th wave is a mix of low-level Nakers and 2 Cyclops. Although you can try to go for the Cyclops first, any stray Naker can wipe you in a snap. Usually on this wave, NPCs get wiped out if they were not before. So waste most Nakers than handle the Cyclops.

Be careful that Nakers and Cyclops can climb to almost any hill, so don't rely on them not doing that. Androids will climb anything.

On the next wave you need to waste the white shots blue Androids ASAP, as these do massive damage and their long-range bullets are difficult to avoid. Some nasty Nakers to kill, but they can be handled if you stay in the top of one of the tallest hills. Be careful, Naker attacks GO though terrain, not often, but will happen.

The last wave is terrible. You have to get rid of the blue Androids fast. Then get as far away as possible from the 3 pink spray bullets large androids that spawn near the white shooting blue ones, as these are terrible to avoid, do massive damage and are difficult to kill (and 3...). Move front left. At some time a huge Deroy will spawn on the back left. Try to missile its legs ASAP, it won't be a problem after that. You'll need some luck with the movements of enemies, and if they die fast or not on this wave. Keep moving and stay on the higher hills as much as possible.

A fun and original but hard mission.

Have fun,

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