Old pictures of Birmingham

Описание к видео Old pictures of Birmingham

Various old pics of Birmingham and its suburbs.Areas include City centre Erdington,Kingstanding and Aston. plus various others all set to some nice tunes.Hit the pause button for a longer look at individual pics.Enjoy ! I have now added info for each picture and the time they appear, as follows ~ 1. 0.06 - Aerial view of Witton Cemetery and surrounding area 1950's. 2. 0.12 Aerial view of Kingstanding 1950's.3 .0.18 Aerial view of St.Andrews 1970's.4. 0.23 Aston Hotel 1950;s 5.Beggars Bush 1920's 6. 0.35 Birmingham City F.C 1970. 7.0.40 St.Andrews 1960's 8.0.46 Brookvale Park 1920's 9. 0.51 Brookvale Park 1911. 10.0.56 Brookvale Park Fish Pond 1911.11. 1.02 Brookvale Park Fish Pond 2. 12.1.07 Rotunda Construction 1960's. 13. 1.13 City Stand construction 1960;s. 14.1.18 Bull Ring construction 1960's 15. 1.24 New Bull Ring 60's 16. 1.30 College rd 1927 17. 1.35 College Rd 1950's 18. 1.41 College rd 1920's 19. 1.46 College Rd 1931 20. 1.51 Junction of College and Kingstanding rd 1932. 21. 1.57 College rd Shop 1920's 22. 2.03 Moor Lane/College rd 1920's 23.2.07 Corporation St 1960,s 24. 2.13 Dale end 1970's 25.2.19 Doidge Rd Erdington 1912 26. 2.25 Aston High st 1962 27. 2.30 Ebeneezer Church,Kingstanding 1920's 28. 2.36 Erdington High st 1974. 29. 2.41 Erdington High st 1963. 30.2.46 Erdington High st 1970's 31. 2.52 Erdington High st 1970;s -2 32. 2.57 Erdington High st 1950;s 33. 3.03 The Green,Erdington 1940's. 34. 3.09 The Green,Erdington 1920's 35.3.14 The Green,Erdington 1910's 36. 3.19 Film shot at St.Andrews 1960's 37. 3.25 Fox & Goose 1920's 38. 3.31 Frances rd Erdington 1910's. 39. 3.36 Gaumont Cinema 1950's 40. 3.41 Brookvale Park 1920 41. 3.47 Greenwood Place 1930's 42. 3.52 Hampton rd,Erdington 1911. 43. 3.58 Hawthorn Rd,Kingstanding 1977.44. 4.03 Hawthorn Rd,Kingstanding 1930's 45. 4.09 High st, Birmingham 1970's 46. 4.15 Dale End 1960. 47. 4.20 Hockley 1968 48. 4.25 Kings Rd,Erdington 1911. 49. 4.31 Kingstanding rd 1950's 50. 4.36 Kop 1950's 51. 4.42 Kingstanding Circle 1950 52. 4.47 Lichfield rd.aston 1930 53. 4.53 City Centre1960's 54. 4.58 New Perry Barr Shopping Centre 1964. 55. 5.04 High st, Bham 1960's 56. 5.09 George rd,Erdington 1920's 57. 5.15 No.8 Bus 1950's 58. 5.20 Bull Ring 1960's 59. 5.26 Old Daily Mirror. 60. 5.31 City centre 1960's 61. 5.37 Town Redevelopment 1960's 62. 5.42 Red Lion,Erdington 1960's 63. 5.47 Salford Bridge 1958 64. 5.53 Six ways, Erdington 1920's 65. 5.59 Slade rd,erdington 1920's 66. 6.04 Slade rd,erdington -2 1920's
67. 6.10 Slade rd,erdington 1920's -3 68. 6.15 spaghetti junction construction late 60's. 69. 6.20 Spaghetti junction 1972. 70. 6.26 St.Andrews 1970's 71. 6.32 Aerial shot of St.andrews 1960's 72. 6.37 post office tower 1960's 73. 6.43 The Greyhound, Court Lane, 1930's 74. 6.48 Stockland pub 1920's 75. 6.54 Town Hall 1950's 76. 7.00 Aerial view of Kingstanding 1920's.
I do not own the copyright to the music on this video.
Hope you enjoy them !


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