Abuela Julieta Casimiro: Mazatec Curandera Healer (w/daughter Eugina) - Healing, Songs & Prayers

Описание к видео Abuela Julieta Casimiro: Mazatec Curandera Healer (w/daughter Eugina) - Healing, Songs & Prayers

This is a series of video clips, photos & quotes of Abuela (Grandmother) Dona Julieta Casimiro and her daughter, Euginia)..., ..mixed with some audio & video clips from one of her 2014 speaking engagements & blessings.., ..while visiting the U.S...

The added background Acapela singing tracks.., are also Grandmother Julieta and Euginia.. and the extra background, traditional Aztec & Mayan music is from Ricardo Lozano & Jorge Ramos..

Grandmother/ Dona Julieta Casimiro
Oaxaca, Mexico,
North America

Traditional Healer / Medicine Person / Curandera / Elder /
Spiritual Healer / Holy Person / Visionary / Wisdom Keeper /
Member of the International Council Of 13 Indigenous Grandmothers / Teacher / Singer .... and much more..


When Grandmother Julieta Casimiro addressed the Grandmothers' Council for the first time, she blessed herself, then offered
a cup of water to the four directions. Grandmother Julieta said:

"All of us here want the same thing.
We want to walk in peace, and we want no more war.
We don't need war.
All the suffering and pain that is going on in the world,
especially of little children and elders, really hurts me inside.

Our Mother Earth is hurting. They are destroying our Mother Earth. They are destroying our Mother. They need to have respect for Her.

We need to walk with respect, especially during these times we are living in now. I pray hard all the time for this to change."

Grandmother Julieta Casimiro is a Mazatec Elder, Curandera..
and Healer from Oaxaca, Mexico. For more than 40 years, people around the world have come to Julieta for ceremony, healing, and life guidance.

She works with people who have AIDS, Cancer, emotional diseases, and psychological imbalance.

"For the work to go well, I am always invoking God.” she says.
"This way the people feel well and are also able
to express what they are experiencing."


I thank Grandmother / Dona Julieta Casimiro..;, her daughter Euginia.. and her entire family..; The International Council Of 13 Indigenous Grandmothers..; Ricardo Lozano & Jorge Ramos..;
The Mazatec People..; CIIS EWP..; NativeVillage.org....
..and to all the other brothers and sisters who have saved some great photos and video clips....of Grandmother Julieta..
..& her daughter, Euginia....

I claim no ownership of any of the clips, video, music and words expressed in this video...and employ my borrowing of them with ..much respect and thanks.. Credits are given at the end of the video.., also.. Please let me know, if I have missed anyone..

No personal monetization is being done with this video, by me..., nor am I receiving any other benefits from any of my videos.. They are meant for all.., to heal, teach, discuss, inspire and inform...
..and to share... (please feel free to copy and paste the LINK..,
as I am not on any other social media).

Fair use policy applies for all material used in this video.

Muchas Gracias..! Chi Miigwetch..! / Many Blessings & Thanks..

*Set your You-Tube video viewer to 720p, for best viewing..


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