Persona Sound Bomb 2017 Everyday Mix (Live) by Shoji Meguro Vocals 100% FC Rock Band 3 (Custom)

Описание к видео Persona Sound Bomb 2017 Everyday Mix (Live) by Shoji Meguro Vocals 100% FC Rock Band 3 (Custom)

Charted by SuperRiderTH    / @superriderth  
Tier - 6, Impossible
Well to finish off all of Persona's existing customs content, here is a mashup medley from a concert back in 2017 called Persona Super Live 2017 Sound Bomb. In this medley live performance, the three main OST singers came to sing together, performing their portions of the main BGM tracks for the respective games, being the strolling through town tracks basically, hence the name "Everyday Mix" lol, with the following songs:

When The Moons Reaching Out Stars - P3
Signs of Love - P4
Beneath the Mask - P5

Another cool thing about the this live performance, the singers actually cosplayed as the Persona characters of the games they sang the OST scores for, in which as you see in the thumbnail, Shihoko Hirata (left) dressed as Rise Kujikawa (my P4 girl), Lyn Inaizumi (center) dressed as Makoto Nijima (my second best P5 girl), and Yumi Kawamura (right) dressed as the MC of P3, Makoto Yuki. For a mashup, it's a cool live performance, and the live version of the Persona 5 boss theme Rivers In the Desert (which SuperRiderTH also charted) is from this same exact concert, in which Lyn was backed by dancers who cosplayed as the main P5 cast. As for last words, well it was a blast to be able to get through these Persona customs, as Persona is definitely one of my favorite anime RPG franchises up to date.

This song is definitely another one of the toughest Persona songs to sing overall of all the customs that exist, and it's pretty much just because of having to switch between the singers of each game, with the songs they sang for their respective game. Lyn's parts I would say are the hardest just because of her overall singing style, but even transitioning into Yumi's singing parts can be rough. There are a couple transition sections that can be tricky to get past being the phrases @ 2:35, 2:54 (this one is a rough sudden change), and 3:15, Lyn's slide note here is pretty faint and can be difficult to hear clearly as I almost missed it due to forgetting how it's sung. Basically once the whole chaos part of the medley comes about, that's when it becomes tough due to so much different singing going on, layered on top of each other, it throws you through a loop easily.

I do not own the rights to this game (as it's licensed by Harmonix)

You can find the chart for this custom here:


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