Idnya (Western quoll) reintroduced to Vulkathunha-Gammon Ranges National Park

Описание к видео Idnya (Western quoll) reintroduced to Vulkathunha-Gammon Ranges National Park

Idnyas have been extinct in the north flinders for almost a century. Find out the work that has happened to make the release back into the Vulkathnaha Gammon Ranges National Park possible and what this means to the Adnyamathanha Traditional Owners. The success of the idnya reintroduction at Ikara-Flinders Ranges National Park a few years ago has seen the population flourish, with idnya moved from Ikara in the latest reintroduction program. Control of feral cats, foxes and goats through the Bounceback and Bounceback and Beyond programs are key to the survival of the idnyas. The reintroduction project is supported by the SA Arid Lands Landscape Board, National Parks and Wildlife Service SA, the Australian Government's National Landcare Program and the Foundation for Australia's Most Endangered (FAME).


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